8 April, 2020
Smoked Gouda and Apple Grilled Cheese

- Sliced Bread
- Smoked Gouda Cheese, grated
- Apple, Thinly sliced and peeled
- 1.5 slice Bacon (or alternative bacons)
- Butter
Start off frying the bacon until it is very crispy. you can set them aside on some paper towels. Next lay the bread out and add each layer in order. . . Bread, gouda, apple slices, gouda, crushed bacon pieces, bread. This is when I butter the top, flip it over and start grilling over medium-low heat. I quickly butter the new top and put a bowl over the whole thing for 1.5-2 minutes. The bowl traps the heat and helps melt the cheese. Flip and replace the bowl. enjoy!